Learning difficulties center Dubai
Our brain works like a computer, receiving different forms of information and processing it to perform an appropriate action. This process of psychological communication through a language, graphic, spoken, or written, is essential for a child to learn and grow. But when a physically healthy child cannot perform any of these aspects normally, it is said to have Learning Disability (LD). Dr. Arif has spent several years working with children who have LD to help them cope with their learning challenges and lead a routine life.
What Are Learning Disabilities?
According to the Indian law adopted from the US Government in Public Law 94-142, “specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, spell or to do mathematical calculations.”
Children with LD may find it difficult to read, write, speak fluently, listen, or understand complex mathematical concepts. Some of the commonly diagnosable psychological disorders that fall under LD include:
Dyslexia: problems identifying speech sounds, leading to reading difficulties
Dyspraxia: poor bodily coordination that is not associated with intelligence
Dyscalculia: difficulty in learning mathematical concepts
Dysgraphia: difficulty in writing
Each type of disorder may coexist with another.
What Are NOT Learning Disabilities?
Children who have trouble learning due to a visual, hearing, or motor handicap are not considered LD. In addition, children who cannot learn properly due to mental retardation, emotional disturbance, or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantages are also not considered LD cases.
Some kids simply learn slower than others, which is completely normal. In some cases, the child is simply not interested in learning a particular skill.
Dr. Arif considers well-researched and proven tests and assessments to diagnose LD in growing kids to ensure that they receive the right learning disability treatment in Dubai.
Causes Of Learning Disabilities In Growing Kids
Learning difficulties can be caused by a combination of diverse factors, including:
- Having a parent with LD
- An illness or injury during or after birth
- Having a high fever, head injury, or poor nutrition after birth
- Increased exposure to lead
- Having other neurological conditions like ADHD (found in 15 – 30% of the cases)
Common Signs Of LD In Growing Kids
Kids usually develop specific cognitive and motor skills at every stage of development right from before pre-school to after schooling. Hence, a child not learning a specific set of skills by a specific age is a possible sign of LD. Here are some common signs you may observe in a child as it grows from preschool to high school:
During Preschool:
- Delayed speech development (after 15-18 months)
- Inability to pronounce simple words, recognize letters, and learn rhymes
- Difficulty understanding and following rules and directions
During Primary School
- Difficulty in discerning similar sounds or alphabets
- Inability to read or write
- Difficulty in memorizing poems, stories, or answers
- Poor motor skills like holding a pencil
During Middle School
- Difficulty in reading aloud, writing assignments, solving math problems
- Almost incomprehensible handwriting
- Inability to understand gestures and facial expressions
During High School
- Lack of concentration
- Difficulty understanding abstract concepts and answering application-based questions
- Poor memory recall
LD Diagnosis & Treatment
Since most LD symptoms are similar to regular learning problems children face, Dr. Arif always starts his diagnosis by ruling out vision, hearing, and developmental issues that can overshadow the underlying learning disability.
The next step is to conduct a psycho-educational assessment through academic testing along with an IQ test. These tests help detect gaps between a child’s current potential and performance.
Early detection of LD in children can help them cope with their challenges and benefit from therapies and treatments. Dr. Arif Khan is associated with a team of specialists who can cater to the various aspects of LD in a child, which includes:
- An Individualized Education Program (IEP) to determine the best ways to teach the child
- Occupational therapy
- Behavioral therapy
- Alternative therapies like music, art, dance, etc.
At Neuropedia, the leading learning disabilities treatment center in Dubai, Dr. Arif ensures that parents are as knowledgeable about his solutions by involving them in every step of the process. He believes that social stigma, underachievement, and misunderstanding of LD create barriers for parents and children to overcome their challenges. And as a child neurologist, he strives to do everything humanly possible to help a child overcome its disability from a young age.