Conduct Disorder treatment in Dubai

Kids are naturally rebellious in behavior and want to do things their way. This behavior is always controllable and subsides as they grow older. But kids who display erratically disruptive and violent behavior that becomes uncontrollable or destructive may require special guidance for social and emotional conduct. In child neurology, such behaviors are diagnosed as conduct disorders. It is more common in boys than in girls occurring in their late childhood or the early teen years.

A child may have conduct disorder if their behavior is persistently unmanagable, violates the rights of others, goes against accepted social norms, and disrupts their day-to-day life. Being an experienced behavior therapist, Dr. Arif follows a researched-backed assessment technique to diagnose such unique behavioral cases.

Possible Signs Of Conduct Disorders In Kids

The extent of conduct disorder in children can vary from mild to extreme depending on their age. Dr. Arif diagnoses these disorders in four general categories:

Aggressive behavior: Threatening to cause physical harm through tantrums, fighting, bullying, torturing animals, using weapons, etc.

Destructive behavior: destroying objects either by burning, breaking, other means of destruction

Deceitful behavior: Constantly lying, stealing, or cheating 

Violation of rules: Performing inappropriate acts like running away, playing harmful pranks, or being sexually active at a very young age.

What May Cause Conduct Disorders?

There are no fixed causes for conduct disorders in kids. Some of the common factors that can affect a child’s conduct include:

  • Primary neurological problems like ADHD, Learning Disability or suffering from depression
  • Dysfunctional family life, childhood abuse, or traumatic experiences
  • A blood relative with mental illness 
  • Poor cognitive awareness with a psychological lack of guilt and remorse
  • Low self-esteem or socioeconomic status 

Diagnosing & Treating Conduct Disorders In Kids

Dr. Arif follows comprehensive assessment steps to detect conduct disorders in kids. They usually include taking the medical and psychiatric history of the child and, if needed, the parents. If a physical problem is suspected, he may also ask for physical evaluation and blood tests. He will also look for signs of associated disorders such as ADHD and depression. After observing the child’s behavior and detecting specific symptoms, the team creates a personalized treatment plan. 

Being a renowned behavior therapist in Dubai, Dr. Airf spends a great deal of time with a child and their parents to carry out specific therapies, usually including: 

    • Behavior therapy to improve problem-solving, anger management, and moral reasoning
    • Family therapy to improve family interactions and communication
    • Parent management training (PMT) to guide the parents in positively altering their child’s behavior at home

A Parent’s Role In Treating Conduct Disorders

A parent must constantly observe their child’s behavior as they grow and consult a pediatric expert if they cannot solve their behavior-related problems. Various factors can lead to conduct disorders, and parents must be aware and accepting of all possible treatments that can help improve their child’s life. 

To start with, as a parent, you should maintain a nurturing, supportive, and consistent home environment for your kids with balanced pampering and discipline in your behavior. You can consult Dr. Arif to get more information on helping your child stay away from bad moral conduct.